Deeper Life Camp
July 27th - August 1st, 2025
Dean: Jeremiah Howze & Dana Kennard
Many high schoolers already have a relationship with Jesus or at least know who He is. This week of camp is designed to help them explore a truly committed relationship with Jesus and ways they can impact those around them with His love. They’ll also get meaningful worship with other high school students, challenging Bible teaching, time for personal study, and all the camp activities and fun HHCC is known for!
Registration will be in the Camp Ministry Center (CMC) on Sunday from 3-5 P.M. You will receive an email roughly one week before camp with details about registration, check-in, color groups, what to bring, etc.
Camp will end Friday at 11 A.M. with pickup happening at the CMC.
We know this isn’t easy, but it will enhance the camp experience for your child. Cell phones have become a huge distraction for kids of all ages, and we would love for camp to be a place to escape some of that. We understand that many older kids and teens use their phones for Bible access, so we ask that you send an actual paper Bible instead (we will also have some available for use at camp). If you need to contact your child while at camp, you may call us and we will relay the message and, if necessary, have them call you back on the camp phone.
Please note that we WILL BE enforcing this policy as a camp.
We have your child’s best interest in mind and ask for no phones because we do believe it’s the most effective way for them to escape the world while at camp. If you have specific questions or concerns about this topic, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]